WooSeshOct 29-30
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Portrait of Kathy Zant

Kathy Zant

Director of Marketing, KadenceWP

Kathy Zant is a highly regarded speaker with expertise in security, marketing, and data-driven website development. She has been invited to speak at numerous events worldwide, both in-person and online. Additionally, Kathy has played a pivotal role in organizing WordCamp Phoenix on two occasions and has been involved with WordCamp US. Her knowledge and insights on WordPress and emerging technologies have made her a sought-after guest on various podcasts. Kathy is a co-host of The Kadence Beat, Do the Woo, and WPMotivate, and frequently appears as a co-host on This Week in WordPress. In her role as an Executive Producer of Open, a documentary centered on the WordPress community, Kathy is dedicated to amplifying diverse voices and ensuring that every individual's story is shared and heard.


Landing Page Launchpad: Make Your Pages Sell

Do the Woo Recap - Day 03